Instalasi Sastra - To N[uni] A[rimbi] I[ndriani]

2014-11-10 0

Oh, dear N! my sweetest rose,
Thy fragrant enchant’d mine;
Embrace my soul so close,
Seem to make the words define.

A flowers that swims over the lake,
In the fragrant of icy water,
And mingle with dreams unfake,
That makes thy heart feel better.

Thy eyes spout’d no sorrow,
Nor dropp a tear that represent’d thy heart;
This glance desire from thee grows,
So glamorous that fascinat’d mine can’t hides,

What heart, would untouch by thee,
And the romance that kissed our heart;
Polish’d thy love that sparkle for free,
Embrace me that longing to be thy part.

Instalasi Sastra